Connect ALL Technical Features
Connector Features
Connect brings powerful new features such as automatic bleed addition, customizable Preflight messages and Preflight restrictions.
- Define and manage as many Connector projects as needed
- Create and distribute unlimited number of Connectors
- Create Connectors for MacOS and Windows
- Customize the functions of each Connector
- Brand Connectors with your icon and background image
- Add your customer URL link to the Connector screen
- Add your custom instructions to the Connector screen
- Colorize text to match your custom background
- Lock Connector projects to avoid accidental changes
Connector Functions – PDF Creation
- Enable a virtual printer for PDF creation from any application
- Enable plug-in support for Creative Suite and Creative Cloud products
- Virtual printer PDF creation through the built-in Adobe Normalizer
- Predefine PDF settings using standard Adobe PDF Settings
- Automatically rename PDFs with static text and variables
- Use Job Ticket fields as variables in PDF file naming
- Adjust bleeds, marks and more for Creative Suite/Cloud applications
- Restrict printing for client-side saved PDFs created by Connectors
- Apply Pitstop Action List to client-side saved PDFs created by Connectors
Connector Functions – PDF Preflight
- Define a PitStop Pro Preflight Profile to verify that PDFs meet your standards
- Define a PitStop Pro Action List to correct common PDF problems
- Enable color management settings for PDFs
- Enable Certified PDF “full save”
- Restrict or allow PDFs that fail Preflight to be delivered
- Select to deliver a Preflight report
- Select from all preset or custom Pitstop Preflight report styles to be used by a Connector
- Select to deliver an annotated Preflight report
- Enable or disable Preflight review for Connector users
- Add a Preflight results identifier to file names
- Use Smart Preflight with electronic Job Tickets to customize Preflight settings
Connector Functions – Job Tickets
- Define custom Job Tickets with a variety of fields for text entry, dates, numbers, lists and more
- Use Job Tickets defined in an Enfocus Switch submit point when delivering to Switch
- Deliver Job Tickets in XML, Switch XML, TXT or CSV formats
- Append Preflight results to XML, CSV or TXT Job Tickets
- Send Job Ticket only from Connectors
Connector Functions — Delivery
- Delivery of any file type and folders
- Deliver to FTP, sFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, Dropbox, local folders, email, or Enfocus Switch servers
- Restrict any file type for processing and delivery by a Connector
- Define up to two delivery points
- Define what files (job files, Job Tickets or Preflight reports) get delivered to each delivery point
- Predefine user name and password for no-hassle login
- Compress jobs and job folders before delivery
- Password protect job archives
- Restrict the maximum file size allowed
Connector Functions — Remote Update
- Define an FTP, SFTP or HTTP(S) server as your update server
Connector functions — End user side
- Easily access and manage Connectors through the Connector menu extra/task bar icon
- Modify email or proxy settings to accommodate some firewall-protected networks
- Define/modify local folder paths for file delivery
- Reset warning and messages
- View processing log
- Delete and manage installed Connectors